
Creating Entry Points

Entry Points allow you to create unique URLs that point to certain Sales Folders, Items, Packages, Memberships, or Donations.

1. Log into Administration.

2. Choose the Web folder and click the Entry Points icon.

3. Select the Entry Point Group where you will be creating the Entry Point(s). If you don't have an Entry Point Group, see How to Create Entry Point Groups.

4. In the Entry Point area, right-click and hover over New. Select an entry point type from the list. If you are not sure which to choose, see the list at the end of this article for more details about each option.

5. In the General tab, set the following information:

  • Name your entry point (this name will show up in the navigation menu of your website).
  • Enabled: Check this box if the link should be active.
  • If Include In Navigation Links is checked, then this link will appear in the navigation menu of your website. Check this box when you are ready for the page to go live.
  • A Display Group can be selected or created if you need this to be link to be grouped with similar links under the same heading in your navigation menu. (For example, If you had links for purchasing memberships, renewing memberships, and gifting memberships, then you could give them all the same Display Group of "Membership.")
  • A Passcode can be set onto the link, so that users cannot access it unless they enter the password you specify in the textbox.
  • Display Sequence allows you to set the sort order of this link in your navigation menu. The closer to 0, the higher up in a list of links it will appear.
  • Display Search: Check this box to bring up a search bar on this page.
  • Sort Type allows you to sort the events by alphabetical order or by date. 
  • Group By Name: If there are multiple showings that share the same name, checking this box will combine them into one listing for easier viewing.
  • Display Type: If this is a List page, this drop-down allows you to choose between different ways to present items in the list. (E.g. Detailed, Simple, Schedule, Tiles, etc.) You may want to experiment with different Display Types to decide which one is best for this list before making this page public.
  • Number of Tiles dictates how many tiles are visible when using the Tile display type. We usually recommend setting the Number of Tiles to 3. 
  • Date Offsets: Use this to determine the range of event dates you'd like to display on this page. You can set a Start and End offset in terms of days, weeks, or months from the current date (to include events from the past, you would use a negative number. For example, to include events up to a month ago, you would put "-1" in the Start parameter.) Setting Date Offsets can be helpful if you only want to display the most current events on this page, such as for a festival or small series of events that occur only for a limited time.
  • Specify Start Date: Instead of using the current date, use this to specify a different start date from which the Start and End Date Offsets should be calculated. This option can be useful for festivals or event series that are sold many months in advance, as you can specify the start date as the beginning of the festival/series.

6. Go through the remaining tabs and select the correct information. (Note: depending on the type of entry point you chose, not all tabs will appear.)

  • Catalog: Search for and select the specific catalog item you want to appear on this page.
  • Donation: Select for and select the specific donation you want to appear on this page.
  • Event: Search for and select the specific event you want to appear on this page.
  • Gift Card Program: Search for and select the specific gift card program you want to appear on this page.
  • List Details: Check the boxes next to each feature (Show Image, Show Short Description, etc.) you'd like to appear for items on this page. Select any Filters you'd like to apply to the information by using the Available Filters drop-down list. These filters come from your custom properties. For more information on custom properties, see our article here. Note: this tab may not appear depending on the type of entry point you chose.
  • Membership: Search for and select the specific membership program you want to appear on this page.
  • Notes: For internal use and will not be seen by customers.
  • Organizations: Move the folder/folders that house the items you'd like to display on this page from the Available Organizations column to the Selected Organizations column.
  • Package: Search for and select the specific package you want to appear on this page.
  • Package Renewal: For more information, see this article.
  • Text/HTML: Enter in the information or images you want to appear on the web page.

7. Once you have set this information, click Apply to save your changes. After the entry point is saved for the first time, the URL and the XML Feed links will be created and ready to be placed on your website. 

8. Right-click the Entry Point and select Copy Shortcut (or Copy to Clipboard from the General tab). This will copy the URL to your computer's clipboard. You can then paste the URL for an email blast, or, if you are an administrator for your website, you can add the link to the appropriate area on your website.  



  • Agile List: Event/Show: Displays information for multiple events/showings.
  • Agile List: Catalog: Displays information for multiple catalog items. 
  • Agile List: Donation: Displays information for multiple donations.
  • Agile List: Membership: Displays information for multiple membership programs.
  • Agile List: Package: Displays information for multiple package programs.
  • Agile List Gift Card: Displays information for multiple gift card, gift certificate, or gift membership programs.
  • Agile Renewal: Event/Show: Allows ticket holders of a reserved seating event (tailgating spot, box, or any other event where patrons retain the first right of refusal to their number, year-to-year) to renew their number.
  • Ballot Collection: Allows patrons to vote on events during the voting period you specify.
  • Catalog Info: Displays information specific to a single catalog item.
  • Content Page: Creates a blank page where you may add text, images, and HTML directly.
  • Donation Info: Displays information specific to a single donation.
  • Event Info: Displays information specific to a single event/showing.
  • External Link: Allows a URL you specify to be added to the navigation bar. This feature can be used to add a "Home" option to your menu that directs back to your website. Or, if you have multiple entry point groups, such as separate groups for package/event renewals, a film festival separate from your year-round operations, etc., you could use External Link pages to make all links available from the navigation menu.
  • Gift Card Balance Inquiry: Allows customers to check the balance of their gift card, gift certificate, or gift membership online.
  • Gift Card Info: Displays information specific to a single gift card, gift certificate, or gift membership program.
  • Membership Info: Displays information specific to a single membership program.
  • Membership Renewal: Allows members to renew their memberships online. 
  • Package Info: Displays information specific to a single package.
  • Package Renewal: Allows package holders to renew their package online. 
  • Sign In: Provides an area for patrons to sign into their online account.
  • Venue Info: Allows patrons to see what is playing now or next at a specific venue. This is most useful when used with Visual Venue Digital Signage.
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