In Agile, you can create a List entry point that can display multiple Events/Showings at a time. Read below to learn how to create such a page, customize the page's look, and control which events appear in the list.
1. Log in to Administration.
2. Select your Corporate Organization / House icon.
3. Open the Web folder.
4. Select the Entry Points icon.
5. Highlight and select the Entry Point Group where you need to create this page.
6. In the Entry Point area, right-click, hover over New, then Agile List, and select Event/Show.
7. In the General tab are several useful fields:
- Name the entry point (this name will appear in the navigation menu of your website).
- You can select or create a Display Group if you need this List to be grouped with similar links under the same heading on your navigation menu. (For example, you could use "Events" to group together a Calendar and Special Events link.)
- A Passcode can be set onto the link, so that users cannot access it unless they enter the password you specify in the textbox. Leave this blank if the URL should be accessible to the general public.
- Display Sequence allows you to determine where this link appears in your navigation menu. The closer to 0, the higher up in a list of links it will appear.
- Display Search will add a search bar to this page.
- Sort Type determines how the events/shows are sorted online. Date sorts the events chronologically. Alpha sorts them in alphabetical order by their Internal Names. Group By Name allows events/shows that share the same name to be grouped together under one listing, instead of having a listing for each individual showing.
- Display Type determines how the events/shows are presented online. (See below for more information about the two most popular Display Types.)
- Date Offsets: Use this to determine the range of event dates you'd like to display on this page. You can set a Start and End offset in terms of days, weeks, or months from the current date. (To include events from the past, you would use a negative number. For example, to include events up to a month ago, you would put "-1" in the Start parameter.)
- Specify Start Date: Instead of using the current date, use this to specify a different start date from which the Start and End Date Offsets should be calculated. This option can be useful for festivals or event series that are sold many months in advance. This is not recommended for a continual event/show listing, such as for a theater with year-round events.
8. The List Details tab gives you control over what pieces of information are provided for each event/show. Check the box next to each option to enable it on the list. Filters allow you to further sort or hide certain shows/event by Custom Property (click here to learn more about Custom Properties). To create a filter, select one or more custom properties from the Available Filters drop-down and hit the green checkmark.
9. The Folders tab lets you select specific sales folders where the events/showings are built. (Note: this may need to be updated yearly if your events/films are seasonal.)
10. The Web Feed tab provides an XML Feed for this page. The link will appear in the gray box after the entry point has been saved for the first time.
11. The Notes tab is for internal use only. Any text written here will only appear in the properties of this entry point. We recommend adding details here about how this URL is meant to be used.
Tips & Tricks - Display Types
Agile gives you a variety of display types for you to use with your Event/Show lists. The most commonly used Display Types are List and Tile.
This is the most commonly used Display Type for Event Lists. It is an effective way to display images, short descriptions, and event times so that patrons can browse and compare upcoming shows on a given day.
This is an effective way to show a Film Grid for a film festival or a season for a live events venue. Many clients prefer to use Tile View with the Sort Type set to "Alpha."
It would be helpful to see an example of how each of these list options appear to the customer.