
Creating Entry Points for Donations

1. Log in to Administration.

2. Select the Corporate Organization / House icon.


3. Open the Web folder.

4. Select the Entry Points icon.

5. Highlight and select the Entry Point Group where you will be creating the URL.

6. In the Entry Point area, right-click, hover over New and then select Donation Info.

7. Name the entry point. This name will appear in the navigation menu of your website.

8. You can select or create a Display Group if you want this page to be nested under a specific sub-heading in your navigation menu.

9. A Passcode can be set onto the link, so that users cannot access it unless they enter the password you specify in the textbox. Leave this blank if the URL should be accessible to the general public.

10. Click the Magnifying Glass next to Donation tab.

11. In the top half of the pop-up window, select the Corporate or Sales Organization folder where the donation has been built.

12. In the bottom half of the window, you will see the list of donations that are available. Select the donation that needs to be associated with this entry point. Then, click OK to close the pop-up window.

13. Click Apply to save your changes and generate the URL for this entry point

14. Click Copy to Clipboard so that you may send the URL to your website manager, put in into an email draft, and share it in other places.

15. Click OK to close the window.




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