
Editing Customer Information in AMS

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There are several ways to edit a customer's contact information.

If the customer has already been selected on the AMS screen:

At the top of the AMS screen, there are two icons beside the Customer #: The Customer Notes icon i_symbol.png and the Edit Customer icon. Edit_Customer_icon_ams.png 

Selecting the Customer Notes icon will open the Customer Details window on the Notes tab, where you can then make internal notes about the customer which the customer will not see.

Selecting the Edit Customer icon will open the Customer Details window on the General tab.


After clicking either icon, you may make edits as described by Steps 4 through 11 of the following section.


If the customer record has not already been selected on the AMS screen:

1. Click the Customer icon at the top of the screen to search for the customer's account.

2. A Customer Search window will appear. Type a Keyword to search for the customer (e.g. last name, phone number, email, etc.) and click the Search button. 
3. A list of customer records will appear in the search window. Double-click the correct name, OR click View at the bottom of the window to open the customer record.
4. In the General tab, you can:

  • Make changes to the customer's contact information (Name, address, etc.).
  • Edit the answers to any Customer Questions.
  • Add and edit an image. To learn more about customer images, see Adding an Image to a Customer Record



5. The Related tab allows you to create and manage links to other customer records in the system. For example, if this is a record for a business, you could add the individual Contact for that business to this tab.


  • To add a relationship to a customer record, click the green plus sign. green_plus.jpg
  • Click the drop-down and select the type of relationship the customer has with the other customer (Contact, Business, Sold For).


  • Type in the related Customers' Number or search for the related customer by clicking the Magnifying Glass.


  • Once you see the related customer's name in the Name field, click OK.
  • To edit an already existing relationship, you can click the Clipboard icon.
  • To open the record of a related customer listed in this tab, highlight the record and click the View Customer icon.


6. The Membership tab allows you to manage this customer's membership. You are able to manually edit a member's expiration date, edit the dates of their benefit groups, or add additional member benefits. To learn more about adding member benefits to a record, see how to Manually Add Membership Benefits to an Existing Member. 


7. The Web Login tab is where you can create and manage login credentials for this customer's online account.


  • To create a new username and password for the customer, click the Globe icon. Web_Log_in_1.jpg Here, you may enter a username, and set a password manually or with the Random Password button.
  • If a customer has forgotten their password, click the Random Password button to generate a new temporary password for them.


  • Clicking the Envelope icon will send a reset password email to the email on this customer record.


8. In the Touch Points tab, you can add and manage touch point tasks for this customer. (Click here to learn more about touch points.) Image_7.jpg

9. The Account Benefits tab is where you will be able to manage any benefits associated directly with this customer's account. To add a new benefit, right-click and hover over New. Then, select the type of benefit that you are adding. To edit an existing benefit, right-click the benefit and select Properties


10. The Notes tab is where you can write internal notes about this customer. If the Operator Notice checkbox is checked, then this note will pop-up on the Sales screen whenever this customer record is selected. (i.e. "This is a Board Member. Please pay special attention to him").  


11. Click Apply to save your changes and OK to close the window.


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