
Recharge a Gift Card

Not only can Agile assign and track gift card balances, it can also apply new money to gift cards when their original balances run out, allowing you to make the most out of your gift card stock. Follow the steps below to recharge a gift card in Agent Managed Sales (AMS).

  1. Once you have logged in to the Sales side of Agile and Cashed In, click the Gift Card tab.
  2. Select your Gift Card Program
  3. Enter the balance to be added to the gift card in the Recharge Amount field.
  4. Click Add in the bottom corner. 
  5. A Gift Card Lookup window will open. Swipe the gift card or enter the gift card number. Click Ok.                                          
  6.  Confirm the card amount on the Item Summary page. If everything looks correct, click Proceed
  7. On the Payment Screen, click the (Choose Method) drop-down, select the payment method that matches the way the customer is paying for the recharged balance, and click Apply Payment

The new balance will be added to the customer's gift card and is now ready to be used to pay for tickets, concessions, or any other items available for sale in Agile.


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