
Inputting Credit Card Information Manually On a PAX Device


  1. Once you have the item selected and are ready to process a customer’s payment, click the EMV Credit button, located in the top-right corner.
  2. This will send the PAX device a signal to start the payment process.
  3. Instead of swiping a card, type in the Card Number.
  4. Once you have finished typing in the card number, hit the green Enter button.
  5. Input the Expiration Month and Year (NUMBERS ONLY) and hit the green Enter button.
  6. Hit the Green Enter button through the CVV2, Address, and Zip Code screens.
  7. You should then see a message saying “Please Wait Processing Online…” 
  8. “Transaction Approved! Thank You" should appear. If get a decline instead, please retry the transaction.
  9. If you got the Transaction Approved screen the system will now generate a receipt. Your order is now complete.
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