
Printing Tickets to a Printer from Web Box Office

1. Log into Administration.

2. Open the Location folder.


3. Click on the Web Box Office (Web Outlet) Location.


4. Then right-click on the Terminal and select Properties.


5. Under the Ticket Printers Tab, set up a Stimare printer. Make sure that this printer is set up as the default printer. (Click here to learn how to Set Up a Ticket Printer in Agile


7. Review the ticket type and make sure that it is both set up correctly (2" x 5.5") and using the Ticket Form Type.

8. On your computer, go to the Control Panel and open Devices and Printers.


9. Right Click and Open the Printer Properties of the Printer. 

10. If necessary, click on the button that says Change Properties in the bottom left-hand corner of the General Tab.

11. Go to the Device Settings Tab (it should be the tab furthest to the right) and set the Width to 54mm.

12. Then go to the Advanced Tab and select Printer Defaults.

13. Click the Advanced button in the bottom right corner.

14. Change Paper Size to 140mm and click Apply.

15. Click Ok until you are back at the main Printers and Devices Menu

16. Go to print tickets from Web Box Office. However, make sure the paper size when you select the Stimare printer is set to 140mm.

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