
How to Change a Primary Contact on a Customer/Business account

When there are multiple contacts on a Business Account, you may sometimes need to swap who the primary person is on that account for a specific order. The steps below will show you how to do this.


Changing the Primary Contact on a New Order

1. Log in to the Sales side of the Agile Windows application.

2.  Click the Customer Icon to pull up the Customer Search window.

3. Search for the business by entering the business's name in the Keyword field and select Search. Select the business's name from the list and click OK to proceed.


5. To change the primary contact, click the Contact button at the top of the screen. 


6. Select the Customer that needs to be the contact for the account on this order.


7. Now, you may proceed with adding items to this order and taking payment. 


Changing the Primary Contact on an Existing Order

1. Log in to Sales

2. Click the Maintenance icon.

3. Search for the order by entering in the business or primary contact's name into the Last Name field. To broaden your search, make sure the Exact Name box is un-checked.

4. Double-click the Order to view its details. 

5. Click the Contact button at the top of the screen.

6. Select the new Primary Contact for this order and click OK

7. You should now see the new contact listed at the top of the order. Click the Proceed button at the bottom of the screen. 

8. You will be taken to the Payment Information page. Click Finalize at the bottom of the screen to save your changes to this order. 


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