1. Log into Administration.
2. Click the Corporate Organization / House icon.
3. Open the folder that houses your Gift Card Program. If you do not have a folder with a Gift Card program, click here to learn how to Create a Blue Sales Organization Folder.
4. Click the Gift Card Program icon.
5. Right-click in the Gift Card Program area and select New.
6. The Gift Card Program: New window should appear.
7. You will need to assign a Sales Line Type and a Revenue Account. To create a new Account, click the ellipsis button.
8. Type in a Gift Card Program Name. This will be the public-facing name of the gift card program. It will be visible to customers online, on gift card formats, etc.
9. Give the program an Internal Name. This will only be seen by staff at the box office or on reports.
10. You will also need to select a Production Type for this gift card program:
- Internal: The Gift Card is produced directly by the software. An example of an Internal production type is a printable Gift Certificate PDF that has the Gift Card Number populated on the certificate.
- External: The Gift Card is produced separately from the software. This type is used for a physical gift card program where the client orders pre-printed cards and then later swipes the card to assign a balance to the card. This is the more likely production type for you to use for a gift card program.
11. Next, if you wish to have predetermined amounts for your gift cards, enter them into the Suggested Amounts number box and hit Add. If you want to give the customer the ability to enter their own amount, check the box next to Allow Customer to Enter Amount.
12. Click Apply to save this information.
13. Next you will need to open the Sales Channel tab.
14. Select your Sales Channels and the days that you want your gift cards to be on sale.
15. Next, go to the Delivery tab and select your delivery methods.
16. Click Apply.
17. Next, click the Web Descriptive tab. This is where you may enter verbiage into various short, descriptive fields to display information about the gift card program online.
18. Next, open the Images tab. This is where you will insert any image that you want to appear on your gift card program's web page.
19. The Questions tab is used when you would like the customer to answer specific questions regarding the gift card. Often we use this for setting up an alternate shipping name & address as well as a gift card message.
20. Click Apply to save your changes.
Note: you will need to generate the External Batches to send the gift card program's print data to be printed onto mag stripe cards. For this step, please call an Agile Support Representative.