
Setting Up A Revenue Payment Account


In Agile, each price or donation in your domain is attached to one or more Revenue-Payment Accounts (also known as General Ledger Accounts or Revenue Accounts). These accounts appear on Agile reports, and they are used to track how your incoming revenue is split across the different types of items you sell. If you use general ledger codes, then incorporating codes into your account names makes it easy to match Agile revenue to your accounting system. The names of revenue accounts can be as general (e.g. Event Revenue, Merchandise Revenue) or as specific (e.g. 3010 Alcohol Sales, 3012 Popcorn Sales) as you need them to be.


Follow the steps below to learn more about creating Revenue-Payment Accounts.


1. Log in to Administration.

2. Click the House icon. 

3. Open up the Accounting folder, and click Revenue-Payment Account.


4. Right-click and select New.

5. General tab:

  • Account Type: Select the appropriate type from the drop-down. For most accounts, Redeemed is appropriate. The other options have more specific uses, such as "Donation" for a donation program.


  • If selecting Redeemed, check the box next to Create matching un-redeemed account to create an identical account with Unredeemed as the Account Type.
  • Account Name: Name of the account. This name will appear in account selection drop-down menus when building pricing.


  • Account: A code or shortened name of account. This will appear on accounting reports.


  • Class: If your organization uses classes in your accounting, select or add the appropriate class here.
  • Sales Line: Select the appropriate item from the drop-down. If this account needs to be available to more than one sales line, then select (All Sales Lines).


  • Sales Line Type: Select the appropriate item from the drop-down.


  • Price Category: Select the appropriate item from the drop-down, usually Price or Fee.


  • Donor Perfect Account: This is for Donor Perfect clients ONLY. Select the correct general ledger account or click on the green plus sign to add a new one.
  • Enabled: Make sure this box is checked if the account should be enabled.

6. Notes: This tab is for internal notes only.

7. Click Apply and OK to save and exit that screen.

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