Promoting a gift membership program around the holidays is a popular way to increase your membership base just as customers are looking for a way to share gifts and experiences with the people in their lives.
After a customer has purchased a gift membership (either online or at the box office), the new membership must be manually entered into the system onto the recipient’s account. The order where the gift membership was originally purchased will contain the answers to order questions that will be necessary to create the recipient's membership.
Once the gift program is set up and a customer has purchased a gift membership, you can follow the instructions below to use Web Portal and the Sales app to assign the new membership to the recipient and send their membership to your fulfillment queue.
1. Log in to Agile.
2. At the top of the screen, click Support Functions. In the drop-down menu that appears, click Web Portal.
3. On the left side of the screen, click the Reports tab.
4. Click the header for Gift Membership. Then, click Gift Membership Manifest.
5. Next, choose the correct Folder, Gift Card Program, and Sale Date Range. Click the Excel button. An Excel spreadsheet will be downloaded onto your computer.
6. Open the downloaded Excel spreadsheet. Below is a breakdown of the column’s information groups. There may be more columns depending on your organization's gift membership setup, but generally:
- Columns A-Q reference the Purchaser information.
- Columns R-Y reference Order/Payment information.
- Columns Z-AA reference Gift Card information.
- Columns AA-AF reference the Order Question Answers / Recipient information.
- Column AE references any Order Notes.
7. Sign in to the Sales side of the Agile Windows application. After Cashing In, use the Customer icon to bring up the Customer Search window and find the recipient's customer record. You may search by Last Name, Email, Member #, etc. If they do not already have a customer account, click the Add New button to add a customer record for them.
8. Navigate to your membership program and pricing. Regardless of whether this is a new membership or a renewal, make sure to select a price with a Membership Level that matches the Level listed on the Gift Membership Manifest spreadsheet for the original gift membership order. If the recipient is a new member, you will select the normal membership price and enter in membership information as necessary. If the recipient already has a membership, you will select the renewal price and make sure to renew their current membership. Add the price to the order and proceed as normal to the payment screen.
10. In the (Choose Method) drop-down list of the payment methods, choose the method that includes Gift Membership in its name.
11. The Gift Card Lookup window will pop up. Enter the Gift Card Number listed on the Gift Membership Manifest. Click Search to populate the PIN information. The Current Balance should match the price of the membership. Click OK when done.
12. Finalize the payment as normal. The gift membership has been redeemed, and the recipient will now be able to use their new membership benefits.
13. The new membership card will now be in the fulfillment queue and can be printed using the Batch Fulfillment process. Click here for instructions on Membership Batch Fulfillment.