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Catalog Items can be used to create Merchandise or Concessions inventory to sell through AMS. Use these steps to create concession and merchandise items in Administration.
1. In Administration, click on your House icon.
2. Click on your blue folder icon that has been set up for your concessions or merchandise items. NOTE: Check with your system administrator to confirm in which Sales Organization(s) these items need to be built.
3. Once you are in the correct blue folder, click on the catalog icon to start entering your items.
4. The Product area is where you will input all of the different types of items. To add an item; right-click in white space and select New (See Image 2). Image 2
5. The Catalog Product window will appear. (See Image 3). Image 3
5a. General Tab
-Sales Line Type: defines the items being sold in broad categories. A Sales Line Type is established under a sales line to define what is being sold regardless of the underlying mechanics (Sales Line) being used to process the sale. Select the correct Sales Line Type from the drop-down. If there isn't a category in the drop-down, please contact your support representative. (See Image 4).Image 4
-Product Group: allows you to group like items together (i.e. Popcorn, Cookies, Candy are all items that can be grouped together under the Product Group "Food") If the product group you need is not listed, click the ellipsis button to the right of the drop down to add it. (See Image 5). Image 5
-Product Name: This is the actual name of the item. The Product Name should be the true title or name of the item that will appear if you sell this item online.
-Internal Name: This is the name of the item that will appear in AMS or in the POS screen at the box office or concessions stand.
-Display Sequence: Display Sequence allows you to assign a sort order number to list the item in the box office or online.
-Color: You can assign a color to an item that will designate the item button on the POS screen. (i.e. If T-shirts are assigned the color blue, the button on the POS screen will appear blue).
5b. Sales Channel Tab
This is where you set the on-sale Start Date and End Dates as well as selecting the Sales Channels for the items that are available for purchase. Checkmark the Sales Channel(s) and set the dates and times for sales. (See Image 6)
NOTE: If this is a concession item, AMS Box Office will be the only box you want to be checked as most organizations do not sell concession items through the web. Image 6
5c. Delivery Tab
Choose your desired delivery method by clicking in the box next to your choice.
NOTE: Concession items should be set to Print Immediately since this is the default and the customer will get the item at the time of order. To set a Concession item to Print Immediately, do not select any Delivery Method on the Delivery Tab. You will then see a "There are no Delivery Methods selected. Are you sure you want to save?" message when you save the Concession item. This is expected, so click Yes. Merchandise ordered online may require the item to be mailed, so you will need to select the proper form of delivery for those items. (See Image 7)
Image 7
5d. Images Tab
For concessions, you can upload a picture of the item to as a visual aid in POS. If you're selling merchandise online, images uploaded in the product setup will appear online. (See Image 8). Image 8
5e. Web Descriptives Tab
If you sell merchandise online, add a description of the item here (See Image 9). Image 9
5f. Description Tab
You can add a longer description here about the product (See Image 10). Image 10
5g. Extra HTML Tab
This allows you to have more description text if you use all of the character limitations in the description area. (See Image 11). Image 11
5h. Confirmation Tab
This is where you can add information about the item that will be emailed to the customer once an order has been finalized (generally only used for items sold online). (See Image 12). Image 12
5i. Notes Tab
The Notes tab allows you to add any special notes about the item. Notes only appear in the Administration area. Customers do not see these notes.
Once you have completed the product information, you are ready to set up the SKU/ Inventory.
6. Highlight the item in the product area, and then right click in the SKU section and select New (See Image 13). Image 13
7. The Product SKU window will appear. (See Image 14) Image 14
7a. General Tab
This is where you will name the specific grouping for this item (i.e. Small, Medium, Large, 16 oz, 24, oz. etc.)
7b. Inventory Tab
This is where you will set up inventory for your item.
(See Image 15)
Image 15
7c. Image Tab
You can upload a thumbnail picture that will appear on this item's button on the POS screen (We recommend using a 500 x 500 px image).
7d. Notes Tab
This is where you can put information or notes just for your staff (i.e. Vendor information on where you order this item when you are out of inventory).
8. The SKU Price is where you will create the prices for each item you wish to put on sale. (See Image 16) Image 16
9. Highlight the Product and SKU for the item that needs prices built. In the SKU Price right-click and select NEW. (See Image 17)
Image 17
10. The Product Price window will appear. In the Product Price window, enter the item price (and tax if applicable). Select the account. (See Image 18)
Image 18
11. Choose the Sales Channel, the Price Type, and the Display Sequence to complete building the Product Price. Click Apply to save and OK to close the window. (See Image 19)
Image 19