
Selling a Package in AMS

If your new sports or theatrical season has begun, you may find yourself needing to sell specific packages to customers from your office or box office. You can sell a new package to a customer in Agent-Managed-Sales (AMS) within the Agile Software with the following steps:


Selling a New Package in AMS.

  1. Log in to Agile Sales with your username and password. If you haven't received your user credentials, please contact your system administrator to set up your username and password.

  2. Make sure that you are cashed in before starting sales for the day. See "How to Cash In and Use AMS Sales to Create a Daily User Batch" for further instructions.

  3. Click the Customer icon to search for a customer account. 

    Search to see whether this patron already has a customer record. You can search by last name, email address, or customer number to see if their customer record is already on file. A list of customer records will appear if they are already in the system. Double-click their customer record if their name appears in the list.

  4. If the customer is new, you will need to create a new customer account by clicking on Add New.

    Note: A window may pop up saying "No results to display." If this happens, click OK and then select Add New in the Customer Search window.

  5. Once you click Add New, the Quick Add Customer window will appear. This is where you will fill in the customer’s information. Once you have captured all of the customer’s information, click OK.

  6. Once the customer has been attached to the order, select the Package tab on the left side of the screen.  Select the package program from the list under the Package tab. This will allow you to see all available packages. Choose the relevant package program from the white box on the right.

  7. Select the package you want to sell to the customer. In the box next to Admission, type the quantity of packages to be added to the order.

    In some package setups, all the items are mandatory to purchase, as shown in the first image below. In others, you may pick and choose the events that are to be included in that package, as shown in the second image below. If your package includes reserved seats, click the blue seat icon to select the same seat numbers for all events in the package.

  8. After selecting the package, click Proceed in the lower-right corner of the screen.

  9. On the Item Summary screen, you can review the order before processing a payment.

  10. Once you have confirmed that everything on the Item Summary screen is correct, click Proceed in the lower-right corner.

  11. The Change Delivery Methods window will pop up. Select the desired delivery method.

  12. On the payment screen, select the desired payment method.

    Note: If you are using a POS station or have a USB Credit Card swipe attached to your terminal, swiping the credit card will populate all the card's information and automatically finalize the order.

  13. Click Apply Payment to complete the order.

    Note: If there is no balance due on the order, or if you are processing a complimentary package type, then you will only need to click Finalize to complete the transaction.

  14. Once the order has finalized, a window will pop-up with address information and order details.
    Note: Even if E-Delivery or Email Confirmation was selected as the delivery method on this order, the system will not automatically send this patron an order confirmation. To send this patron an email with their order details, click the Order Confirmation button.

  15. The Order Confirmation Options window will pop up. Make sure the email address in the Send To field is correct. If there is any additional text you want to add to the top of the order confirmation, type it into the Message textbox. Click Send Confirmation to email the customer their confirmation receipt.
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