We have extended our discounting functions that were available for single items and made it easier to discount an entire order by a specified percentage. Now, if you have an in-person promotion where every item you want to sell is discounted, you can apply that discount to every item in a customer's order at the same time. Below you will find the Agent Managed Sales (AMS) and Point-of-Sale (POS) instructions for using this feature.
Discounting an entire order in AMS Sales
Whether you are performing backend maintenance or processing an order over the phone, you can follow these steps to apply a discount to an entire order.
1. Log in to Sales.
2. Add items to your order and then click the discount button in the lower-right corner of the screen.
3. Click the blue box next to each item you want to discount. Only items with a green check mark will be affected.
4. Select the percentage for the discount by using the blue arrows to increase/decrease the number or by clicking the percent and typing your desired amount. Click OK to apply the change.
5. The new, discounted price will be displayed beside the starting price next to each item.
6. Click the green check mark at the top-right corner of the window to apply this discount to the selected items in the order.
7. Back on the Item Summary screen you can now see the lowered price for each item. Hit Proceed to reach the Payment page and finalize the payment for the order.
Discounting an entire order in POS
You can use these steps to create spontaneous discounts for walkup customers.
1. Log in to Sales.
2. Click the Point of Sale icon in the top toolbar.
3. Add items to your order and then click the % Discount button at the top of the screen.
4. Select the items you want to discount. Only items with a green check mark next to them will be affected.
5. Select the percentage for the discount by using the blue arrows to increase/decrease the number or by clicking the percent and typing your desired amount. Click OK to apply the change.
6. The new price will be displayed beside the starting price of every selected item.
7. Click the green check mark at the top-right corner to apply this discount to the order.
8. You will see the new total for the order in the Order Total field in the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can also click on the items on the right side of the screen to see the reduced price breakdown.
9. Once you are happy with the new total, finalize your order.