
How to Override Permissions for a Refund in POS


The Override function allows staff with Managerial or System Administrator permissions to sign in and override the lower level permissions that a cashier may not have access to. This can be a one-time override for refunds or restricted prices, or you can set it for an entire shift, if multiple orders need to be adjusted. 

1. In POS, click the Action button and select Override from the menu.


2. A User Override screen will pop up. A manager or System Administrator will need to enter their Username and Password


3. That manager should then give a reason for the override in the box provided (i.e. refund for the price difference, access to restricted price, etc.). 


4. Specify the length of time during which this permission will be overridden.


- If this override is for a one-time edit, click the radio button next to the Single Order.

- If this is an override that this user will need for multiple transactions, click the radio button next to Until Cleared. This will give this user the permissions that they need until an administrator takes that permission away. 

5. Once the manager has set the Override permission, the cashier can then go in and complete the transaction. 

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