Once you have received your welcome email and login credentials, you can edit and add important information about your organization. Follow the steps below to add your information. NOTE: It is very important that you fill out this information. It will enable both your customers and Agile to find your organization's contact information.
1. Navigate to to Agile's Web Portal at portal.agiletix.com
2. Log in using your Username, Password, and Domain name.
3. On the left side of the screen, you will see the Settings tab. Click the Gear icon to open up your organization's information screen.
4. Under General, click Organization Info
5. In Properties, you can update your Organization's Address. If you wish to receive an email notice whenever an item is sold in the system, you can enter an email address into Administration Email.
5. Click the Upload New Logo button. This image will appear on your print-at-home tickets. Image size should be 400 pixels wide by 534 pixels high at 72 dpi.
6. Next, open up the Customer Service Contact menu. This is where you will add the name, email address, website address, and contact phone number for the person that handles customer service inquiries for your organization.
7. Billing Contact is where you will enter the contact information on who should receive the invoice or checks, how the checks should be made out, and the address where it should be mailed.
8. Once you have finished entering this information, click the Save Changes button.