00:12 Redeem Account Benefits
01:40 Movie Database Integration
04:49 Streaming Events
08:19 Emails and Letters in Portal
12:04 Partial Refunds on Bluefin Terminals
12:34 Reporting
We are excited to announce our most recent update is about to be released. This update provides significant benefits to the Agile Ticketing System. The update is expected to occur early April 6, 2021, between the hours of 3:00 AM CST and 5:00 AM CST.
During this time, you will not be able to access the ticketing platform, run reports, or receive any automated reports.
The next time you log into the system on or after Tuesday, April 6, you will automatically be updated to the newest version. The update should only take a few moments to apply. Once the update is complete you will be able to access the system as you normally would. A summary of all the changes included in this update is shown below.
- Redeem Account Benefits immediately
- Account benefits like those used for ticket packs can be redeemed on the same order with the initial ticket pack purchase. If the customer removes the ticket pack from their order the redeemed benefit tickets will also be removed.
- Film DB Lookup
- Agile Ticketing has integrated with The Movie Database (TMDb, https://www.themoviedb.org/) in order to make entering show information event easier.
- Titles are automatically searched for when you add a new show. You can choose to view the search results and choose the one with the correct information. Metadata like cast, crew, rating, runtime, description, images, and etc. is utilized to make sure your title has the most up-to-date info.
- Streaming Events
- Updated how event dates are represented for streaming events. Dates are now more contextual based on streaming availability. Titles available to stream say "Available Now" and ones that are coming up show "Available: [Date]".
- Buy and Watch buttons are more contextual. The Watch button will only be shown once they have purchased the title.
- My Calendar has been updated to reflect new date changes. Also, it has been broken out into "Current", "Upcoming", and "Past" sections to separate out events based on availability.
- Streaming option is separated from in-person dates in order to highlight the differences as in-person events start to happen again.
- Emails and Letters Support in Portal
- Added a new template option to allow saving email formats for frequently used emails.
- Added new snippet option to allow inserting blocks of content in an email easily. Event snippets allow you to format up event information and easily insert event details into an email.
- Payment Terminal Support
- Added new options for easier and partial refunds for Bluefin terminals.
- Reporting
- Added header info to pdf and excel export formats for custom reports.
- Adjusted how Gross Revenue reports for distributor report deals with streaming events.
Maintenance Items
- Fixed how deleted events are shown online to make sure they are not crawled and captured by search engines.
- Fixed issues with deleting and merging address records.
- Fixed an issue with adding a price in simple mode on a long-running event.
- Deprecated old search category option.
- Fixed an issue in portal with adding a benefit for an event that already.
- Fixed an issue in portal with the event menu visibility.
- Fixed an issue with the member login prompt for web sales.
- Fixed an issue with printing order receipts.
- Fixed an issue with order confirmations from portal box office sales.
- Fixed an issue with Streaming APIs pulling back disabled/deleted event info.
- Fixed an issue in portal when generating a streaming preview for a shorts compilation.
- Fixed an issue with forwarding tickets after the event has started.