
Sending Emails and Letters in Web Portal

1. Sign into Web Portal at with your usual username, password, and domain.


2. Click on the Customer Relations tab. Then, click on Emails & Letters


3. At the top of the page, click +New Email/Letter to start a new email.


4. Select a Data Set from the drop-down. Each Data Set includes a short description and lists the Data Elements or fields that can be populated with customer or order information. After selecting the appropriate Data Set, click Continue.


5. Next click Edit Target Audience so you can define who will receive your email. The parameters you can choose from (what event a customer purchased, how long ago their event happened, etc.) will change depending on the Data Set chosen. Not every variable will be available for all Data Sets.




6. Fill out the Subject line of the email.


7. Draft your email in the Email Design Box. You can create tables, insert images, craft your message, and use dynamic fields to personalize the email to each recipient. The dynamic fields will vary according to the type of Data Set chosen in Step 4. You can add the dynamic fields by either using the option in the menu bar or by clicking the blue buttons below the Design Box. You can also add Snippets that your organization has set up in the past. For more information on how to use snippets click here.


8. After you've created your Email there are 3 additional Optional Settings you can modify:

  A. From: - If you need to modify the "From" address of the Email from what is the default for your Organization. This field is Required*

  B. Completion Notice Email: - If there is someone who needs to be notified when this Email is sent you can put their address here.

  C. Description: -  An internal Description on the Email. This can be useful for other users to know the email's purpose.

9. Hit Save Changes. This saves your Email and/or any changes you've made.



10. If you would like to Preview or Print your Email (e.g. if you are sending it as a letter) click the Preview button. Here you can see how the letter looks with individual customer information being filled into the dynamic fields. If you'd like to print the Email(s) you can choose Print Single or Print All. The former will open a new tab with a printer-friendly version of the current Email you are previewing whereas the latter will open a new tab with a printer-friendly version of all the Emails. You may also send yourself a test of the Email from this window using the Send Test button.

11. If you are ready to send your Email out to the Target Audience hit the Send button. This will open a confirmation box displaying the description to verify this is the Email you wish to send. Hit Send again to confirm.



When you are on the main Emails & Letters page in Web Portal, you will see 3 buttons beside each Email. 

Pencil.png    This Pencil button will allow you to make edits to an Email

Eye.png   This Eye button will allow you to view the activity for that Email (e.g. how many emails were sent, how many were undeliverable)

Copy.png   This Paper button provides a new copy function that is only available in portal. You are able to copy the Email and all it's settings and parameters over into a new Email. Portal will prompt you to redefine your parameters or select a new event. Once that is done you can modify the Subject and Email Design Box sections to fit your new Email. 


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