1. Log into Web Portal at portal.agiletix.com.
2. Click on the Variable Fee button. (If you do not see the Variable Fee button on the left side of the screen, please contact your support representative).
3. If you are editing an existing Variable Fee, click on the Pencil Edit icon to the left of the fee.
4. If you would like to create a Variable Fee, click on the +Add Variable Fee button at the top of the screen.
5. First select the folder where the fee will be housed.
6. Fill out some basic information about your fee:
A) Name: Customer-facing name of the fee.
B) Sort Name: Internal name that governs how names will be sorted online.
C) Sales Line Type: select the Type that best fits the fee from the drop-down.
D) Account: select the correct Revenue-Payment Account.
E) Defined Levels: enter in the different dollar amounts for the fee. Click Add to add levels or click the red Trash Icon to remove levels. Click Allow Open Amount Entry Box if you would like the customer to customize the fee amount.
F) Display Sequence: places the fees in a specific order relative to other fees.
G) Project Code: If your organization uses Project Codes for accounting, select the correct item from the list. You can also create a new Project Code by typing into the drop-down.
H) Enabled: make sure this is checked to make the Variable Fee available.
7. Next, scroll down to the Sales Channel Availability section, where you define when your Variable Fee goes on and off sale.
a. First, select a Mode. Advanced Mode lets you differentiate when Web Sales and Box Office sales begin. Simple mode allows you to change every Sales Channels simultaneously.
b. Check the box next to the Sales Channels you would like to activate.
c. Set the times that you would like for your tickets to go on sale and off sale.
d. If you would like to alert your customers or staff about the fee during the checkout process, you must check the box next to Alert During Checkout.
8. In the Descriptives area, you have the option can go into detail about your Variable Fee or leave these areas blank:
-Description: the detailed description box. Add in as much information as needed in this field.
-Levels Area Description: allows you to enter important information that appears with different price levels, such as in the image below.
-Short Description: It is recommended that you enter a short descriptive that will be seen under Fee Information (more info will appear when longer descriptions are necessary).
-Selection Prompt: input text that will appear on your web page above the dollar values.
-Confirmation Email: includes information specific to the fee, which will appear in the confirmation email.
9. In the Images section, you are able to add images to your Variable Fee. Click on the up arrow to upload an image from your desktop. (optional)
10. In the Questions section, questions are used to gather information from customers. You can ask the customer specific questions about their order by moving a question from the Available Questions field to the Selected Questions field. (optional)
-To create new questions, click on the New Question button.
Question Text: the question that will appear online.
Type: select the type of answer you would like from the drop-down. Questions set to Textbox and Text Area allow customers to enter their order answer into an open-entry box. Questions set to Dropdown List, Radio Button, and Multi Check allow you to regulate the answers you receive. Questions set to Checkbox allow a customers to fill in or ignore a checkbox before proceeding.
Available values: (Dropdown List, Radio Button, and Multi Check questions only) allows you to generate a menu of possible question answers for customers to select.
Default Value: this answer will be automatically selected. If left blank, no answer will be automatically selected.
Regular Expression: determines how the data should be entered and defined.
Example Text: If the answer requires a Regular Expression Format, give an example here (i.e. enter birthday as 01/05/1980).
Usage: "Per Sales Line Item (i.e. Each Event)" should be selected if the answer is only required once per order. "Per Each Quantity (i.e. Each Ticket)" should be selected if the answer is required for each variable fee that is added to the order.
Ticket Format Index: allows you to assign the answer to the question as text on the ticket format.
Answer Max Length: (Textbox and Text Area questions only) enter in the maximum answer length in characters.
Required: check this if the question must be answered by the customer to complete the order.
Agent Managed Question: select this if the question should only be asked by ticket agents.
Enabled: check if the question should be enabled.
11. Once you have all of the information for your Variable Fee built, click the Save Changes button.