1. Log into the Web Portal.
2. Open the Events tab to the left of the screen and select Import.
3. Open the Events tab.
4. Click the Download Example File button on the right side of the screen.
5. Rename and save the spreadsheet. Enter your Event information in the spreadsheet. Below are descriptions of each column on the spreadsheet. Some of the columns are required while others are optional.
- Copy From (Column A) – You will need to add the exact name of the Template you will be using for this import. *Required
- Date TBD (Column B) – Enter FALSE in this column. If you have not confirmed the dates you wish to import, then enter TRUE. *Required
- Start Date (Column C) –This is the date and time of your Event. *Required
- Duration (Column D) –This is where you will enter the duration of your event in minutes. *Required
- External Name (Column E) – This is the name of your Event that will appear online. *Required
- Internal Name (Column F) – This is a short name for your event that will appear in the box office application. *Required
- Color (Column G) – ** Not Required
- Ticket Verbiage 1 – 5 (Column H-L) – This is where you will put information that will appear on the ticket ** Not Required
- Description (Column M) – This is where you will enter the description for your event. ** Not Required
- Short Descriptive 1 /Short Descriptive 2 (Column N&O) – These areas allow you to put short descriptions that appear either at the top of the ticket page or under the date and time of the event. ** Not Required
- Short Description (Column P) – This is a short synopsis that appears in a list view on your website ** Not Required.
- Confirmation (Column Q) – Add specific confirmation text for this event that will be emailed to the customer once the order has been confirmed. ** Not Required.
- Image (Column R) – This can be the list of image names for your event that you can import at the same time as the spread sheet. ** Not Required
- Thumbnail (Column S) – This a smaller image that will appear in your event listing online. ** Not Required
- Overhead Image (Column T) – This is a seating chart image that your customers can view online. ** Not Required.
- Overhead Thumbnail – Small version of you seating chart. ** Not Required
- Ticket Image/Extra Image/Media (Columns V-W) – Add an image that will appear on the print at home ticket and include a video that appears online. ** Not Required
6. Once you have entered all of the show metadata, go back to the Import page in Web Portal.
7. First, you will begin uploading the images that go with the shows you are trying to import. Click the Images tab at the top of the Import page.
8. Next, Create a New Image Folder (i.e. 2019 Images) or select an Existing Image Folder from the drop-down. Click the Select Images button and choose the images from your computer that you wish to upload.
9. If your images have been uploaded successfully you will see Success in green next to the images.
10. Once the images have been added to the library, you will need to go back to the Events Import tab.
11. Select the folder into which you want to import your events.
12. Click the Load Excel File button and select your completed spreadsheet.
13. Your Events will appear. If there are errors in the spreadsheet, the system will notify you to let you know what column or cell needs to be fixed. To fix an issue, simply double-click the cell.
14. After you have reviewed your loaded Excel file, click Upload to import your Events.
15. Click Yes to confirm your import. You will be notified when the import is complete.
16. In the import window, you will notice that successfully imported events have turned green.
17. You are also able to download a Save Results File if needed.