
Importing Shows and Images in Web Portal

Show Import allows an organization to import a large list of events, movies, or shows from an Excel spreadsheet. This is especially useful to Film Festivals or Organizations that have many events or shows that need to be added to the system quickly.

You are now able to import shows at the top level in Agile. This allows organizations with multiple venues to only build show (film) meta-data once, and be able to use at all venues and blue sales folders. 

1. Log into the Web Portal


2. Click on Events from the menu and then select Import


3. Select the Shows tab. 


4. Click on the Download Example File button to the right of the screen. 


5. Rename and save the spreadsheet. Enter your Show information in the spreadsheet. Below are descriptions of each column on the spreadsheet. Some of the columns are required while others are optional.


A. Internal Name – This is the name of the show/film that will appear in the Agile Sales application. This is a required field.

B. External Name – This is the name of the show/film that will appear on the web.  This should be the proper title of the film or event. This is required.

C. Original Name If the show/film has a foreign title, this is where you will list the original title in its native language.  This is optional.

D. Duration – This is the run time of the film in minutes. This is required.

E. Event Type These are the different type of events (i.e. Feature, Opening Night Film, Short, Shorts Program, etc.). This is required.

F. Color – This will allow you to assign a color that will appear on the grid view online (i.e.  Documentary films are all Red, while Shorts Programs are Blue, etc.). This is optional.

G. Description This is where you will put a full-length synopsis of the film. This is optional for the import, but we highly recommend adding the information in the spreadsheet and import all at once.

H. Short Description This is a short synopsis of the film. This is optional, but we highly recommend adding this information in the spreadsheet to import.

I. Short Descriptive 1 Gives you an additional space to show the film type, the rating and the run time. This is optional.

J. Short Descriptive 2 – Can have additional information listed here (i.e. Doors Open at 6 PM, etc.). This is optional.

K. Web Availability – This is an area to add additional information that you would want the customer to know when your inventory for that event/movie has reached zero (i.e. Rush Line Only, Sold Out, etc.). This is optional.

L. Show Info – This can be used to add additional information about the show (i.e. Sponsored by XYZ Company, etc.) This is optional.

M. Extra HTML – Can add additional information for this event and can have customer scripting and other HTML Text. This is optional.

N. Confirmation – Can add specific confirmation text for this event. This is optional.

O. Ticket Verbiage 1 – Can place specific information that will appear on the ticket when printed. This is optional as most ticket formats now pull information from different elements in the database.

P. Ticket Verbiage 2 – Can place specific information that will appear on the ticket when printed. This is optional as most ticket formats now pull information from different elements in the database.

Q. Ticket Verbiage 3 – Can place specific information that will appear on the ticket when printed. This is optional as most ticket formats now pull information from different elements in the database.

R. Ticket Verbiage 4 – Can place specific information that will appear on the ticket when printed. This is optional as most ticket formats now pull information from different elements in the database.

S. Ticket Verbiage 5 – Can place specific information that will appear on the ticket when printed. This is optional as most ticket formats now pull information from different elements in the database.

T. Project Code – If you have specific codes associated with the film, you can place it here. Not required.

U. Distributor – You can place the Distributor’s name for this film. This is optional. Generally used by Art House or 1st Run Cinemas.

V. Distributor Reporting – Set to TRUE to automatically report revenue for this Show to comScore Swift and to Nightly Flash. This is optional.

W. External Event ID – External Event ID self populates once you have imported the sheet. Leave this column blank. 50 Character Limit. 

X. Image - Your show/film images can be imported at the same time that you import the spreadsheet. Make sure that your images are all the same size and have been named for ease of association. If you have multiple images for the film, the first image listed in the cell will be the main image for the film page and will also create the thumbnail. For multiple images, make sure to separate the image names with a comma. Also, if you choose to specify a folder name in the Subdirectory box (see Step 8) you HAVE to specify this folder name in the image cell, e.g. "Folder Name\Image Name.jpg".

**NOTE: We recommend that all of your images are sized to 560 pixels wide x 315 pixels high at 72 dpi.

Y. Thumbnail Image - You may leave the Thumbnail Column blank. When you import your spreadsheet, Agile will automatically create a thumbnail image using the 1st image from Image column.

Z. Ticket Image - This can be used on your print at home tickets if you need to have a sponsor logo on certain film’s tickets. Not required.

AA. Extra Image/Media – This is where you will put the link for your trailers via YouTube or Vimeo link.

***If you need help understanding any of the values between these stars CLICK HERE for an explanation on how to Set Up Virtual Events***

AB. Stream Type - This is where you define what Streaming service you will be using. The options are AgileLINK, AgileLINKVoucher, CineSend, CineSendVoucher, Brightcove, ExternalURL, EmbedURL, PurchaseURL, Vimeo, VimeoLive, VimeoShowcase, ZoomMeeting.

AC. Stream Asset ID - If you already have a MeetingID or Asset ID for your meeting/video, you can put that here.

AD. Stream Viewing Window - This defines how the stream is accessed by the customer. The options are EndDate, FirstWatch, OpenToAll, OpenToMembers, PurchaseDate, StateDate.

AE. Stream Hours - You can define a customer length of time the customer has access to the stream here. If left blank or at 0 it will default to 50 hours

AF. Stream Site URL - Only used for specific Stream Types (ExternalURL, EmbedURL, and PurchaseURL), otherwise leave blank. This field is optional.

AG. Stream Geo Blocking - This allows you to set individual-show Geo Blocking. The values are Same State, Same Country, and US & Canada. You may also put a number into this field and that number will be assessed as the amount of miles in a Zip Radius. If you leave this field blank it will be assessed as whatever default value is for your Organization (Geo Blocking is disabled by default. If you wish to have this changed, please talk to your Agile Representative).

AH. Stream Purchase Prompt - This field allows you to specify the "Buy" button text.

AI. Stream View Prompt - This field allows you to specify the "Click To Stream" button text.

**Note: Columns AJ – AZ are called Custom Properties. These custom fields are designated by each film festival or organization to allow them to enter additional information about the film (i.e. Cast and Crew Information, Run Time, Country of Origin, etc. ). Even though these fields are created by the organization, if you do not add information into these cells, the information will not populate online. For more information on how to create Custom Properties, click here.

When your spreadsheet is complete, you are ready to import your shows into Agile.

 6. Once you have entered all of the show metadata, go back to the import page in Web Portal


7. First, you will begin uploading the images that go with the shows you are trying to import. Click on the Images tab at the top of the import page. 


8. Next, type into the Subdirectory drop-down to create a new Image folder (i.e. 2024 Images) or select an Existing Image Folder from the drop-down. Click on the Select Images button and choose the images from your computer that you wish to upload. 


9. If your images have been uploaded successfully, you will see Success in green next to the images. 


10.  Once the images have been added to the library, you will need to go back to the Shows import tab. 


11. Select the folder that you want to import your shows into.


12. Click the Load Excel File button, and select your completed spreadsheet.


13. Your shows will appear. If there are errors in the spreadsheet, the system will notify you to let you know what column or cell needs to be fixed. To fix an issue simply double click on the cell.


14. After you have reviewed your loaded excel file, click Upload to import your shows. 


15. Click Yes to confirm your import, and you will be notified when the import is complete. 


16. On the import window, you will notice that the successfully imported shows have turned green. 


17. Click Save Results File to download a copy of your Show Import Results. The results file is a vital tool for troubleshooting and/or resolving issues with the import, and reimporting if necessary. 


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