Auto Renewal is a permission that can only be set up if your organization has the ability to store payment methods. To learn more about how to set up store payment methods, talk to your support representative.
1. Go to
2. Log in using your Username, Password, and Domain.
3. On the left side of the screen, click the Auto Renewals button.
4. From the Auto-renewal page, you can:
- See the payment status of the renewal.
- Click the red Failed button to learn why a renewal failed to be processed.
- Once the problem on a failed payment method has been fixed, the button will say: Retry, and you can try to process the payment again from this page.
- If the card has failed to be processed in the upcoming renewal section, simply click the payment column, and fix the credit card information.
- You can add and edit Payment Methods from this page by clicking the credit card number and bringing up the Edit Payment Method window (Please note that if you add a payment method from this screen, that card will become the default card on the account).
- From here, you can also click the customer's Name to reach the customer's record.
- By clicking the Number column, you are able to see membership information.
5. The auto renewal page also houses upcoming renewals. You are able to view and make changes to approaching renewals.