Before you can print a run of passes for your fair or festival, you will first need to add your pass printer's settings to Agile. That way, Agile will know what kind of printer you are using, what type of item it is printing, and what driver it needs to use to talk to the printer. You can follow the steps below to learn how to set up and assign a pass printer in Agile.
1. Download the print driver for your inkjet or laser printer to your computer.
2. Once you have the driver downloaded, log in to the Administration in the Agile Ticketing Software.
3. Click on the Regional Information folder.
4. Click on Location.
5. Select the Location Group that your terminal is assigned to.
6. Right-click and select Properties on the Terminal that the printer will be assigned to.
7. In the Terminal window, click on Ticket Printers tab.
8. In the printer field, right click and select New.
9. In the Printer Type drop-down, select Ink Jet Printer.
10. In the Form Type, select Tickets.
11. Enter the what the name of the printer should be in the Printer Name field.
12. Click the Browse button to see the Browse Local Printers.
13. In the Local Printers drop-down, select the printer that you will be using to print your passes.
14. Check Default Printer, click Apply and then OK.