
Regional Service Interruptions - 12/15/2015

We have been made aware that Level 3 is having an issue out on the Internet which may be preventing you accessing Agile Ticketing. The issue is not with Agile's ISP circuits specifically and therefore taking them out of the network will not resolve how the traffic is attempting to get to Agile. We just wanted to make sure you knew there was a larger Internet issue occurring. To keep track of the outage on Level 3's network you can use the following two links.

We will update this post once further information is available.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused your organization.  We work hard to provide the best experience possible.  Our 24/7 on call staff members will continue to monitor the situation and are available at 615-360-6700 if needed.

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    John Lemon

    We are receiving reports that Level 3 has resolved the issue and Internet traffic throughout the U.S. should be returning to normal. We will report back with more detailed information on the cause of the issue.