
Configuring the IDTech USB Mini Magstripe Reader

Agile Ticketing Solutions Festival In a Box includes a MiniMag Duo, MagStripe Reader (IDMB series).  While these swipes are generally pre-configured, there may be times when you will need to reset it to the factory defaults and/or run the configuration tool to program the reader. The steps below will allow you to configure and troubleshoot the credit card swipe.

1. In order to configure the MagSwipe, you will need to go to the following link to download the Configuration Tool:

2. Once downloaded, open the Configuration Utility, and connect the credit card swipe to your computer.

3. Click Change Basic Reader Settings.

4. Click on the Pre/Postamble tab.

5. In the Non-Printable Characters drop-down on Track 1 Prefix, select \f7.

The \f7 should appear in the Track 1 Prefix.

 6. Click Send to MSR button at the bottom of the screen.

7. You will hear a couple of beeps from the swipe and then get the confirmation that the swipe has been configured. Click OK and then select the Exit button to close the tool.






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