
Gate Control and Gift Cards/Certificates Reports

New users for the Reporting Portal can be added in Agile just as you would add any new user in the system. This can be done in the Administration side of the Agile Application (See Creating User Names for your Staff for more information) or through the Web Portal (See Adding New Users in Web Portal for more information.) This article will overview the process of pulling reports for Gate Control and Gift Card/Certificates in Web Portal.

To access Web Portal from the Agile Ticketing Solutions Application, click the Support Functions button at the top of the screen. Select Web Portal.  


Once in Web Portal, click the Reports tab on the left side of the screen.


Note: Reports are permission-based. If you do not see a report listed, first check with your organization's administrator or contact your Agile Client Support Representative to see whether or not you have been given the proper permissions.



Gate Control Detail Extract: Pulls scan data for a specified Gate Control Batch. Shows the information for each scan, ticket type, event type tier and order number. Also, includes the customer's name and order number.

Gate Control Detail Extract by Date: Pulls scan data for a specified date or time. Shows the information for each scan, ticket type, event type tier, and order number. Includes the customer's name and order number. It is formatted for an Excel spreadsheet. 

Gate Control Summary: Choose the Gate Control Batch to pull a summary report by date and event name with Valid, Not Valid, Re-Scan, Void totals.

Gate Control Summary by Date: Choose the scan date range to pull a Summary report by date and event name with Valid, Not Valid, Re-Scan, Void totals.



Gift Card Activity: Pulls information on sales made with a gift card as a Payment Type. This report gives detail on what was purchased and how much was used on the gift card. 

Gift Card Extract: Pulls a report of all gift card numbers with the current balance for each card.

Gift Card Manifest: Choose organization, gift card program, and sale date range to pull the html/pdf report of sales by customer record with gift card details down to the Gift Message.

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