
Customer, Donations, and Event Reports

Want to learn more? Check out our different ATSU Learning Webinars on reporting: 

Accounting Reports 

Box Office Reports


You can pull reports from the Report tab in Web Portal. To access Web Portal from the Agile Ticketing Solutions Application, click on the Support Functions button in the top of the screen. Then click Web Portal.  


Once in Web Portal, click the Reports tab on the left side of the screen. 



New users for the Reporting Portal can be added in Agile just as you would add for any new user in the system. This can be done in the Administration side of the Agile Application (See Creating User Names for your Staff for more information) or through the Web Portal (See Adding New Users in Web Portal for more information). 

Reports are permission-based. If you do not see a report listed, first check with your organization's administrator or contact your Agile Client Support Representative to see if you have been given the proper permissions.


Customer DB Extract: Spreadsheet shows a full listing of all customer accounts in your database.

Customer Classification Extract: If your organization has set up classifications, this report will allow you to pull lists of each customer group and provide each's name, email, address, and phone data.

Customer Extract by Date: This report allows you to pull Customer data in a spreadsheet based on a sales date range. Choose both a sale date and event date range to pull sales data with both customer and order detail.

Customer Extract by Event: This report pulls customer information based on a specific event date. Choose "Folder" and Event to see customer data for those that purchased the specified event.

Customer Extract by Event Folder: This report pulls customer information based on a specific "Folder". Choose "Folder" to see customer data for those that purchased any event the specified folder.

Customer Extract for Promotions: This report pulls customer information based on usage of promotions codes in the specified "Folder"

List Serv Opt-In Extract: This report pulls Email Opt-In information for all customers opted-in.


Donation Manifest: Choose donation name and sale date range to see a sales summary by sales channel followed by purchases, customer info, and donation amount. PDF or HTML view only.

Donor/Member Manifest Extract: This report pulls donor and member detail information for a specific sales date range. This is formatted for an Excel spreadsheet. 


Event Audit: Report allows the user to pull financial information for a specific event date and breaks down the detail based on the sales, buyer type, inventory, delivery method and payment method. 

Event Audit-Sales and Usage Summary: Choose the "Folder" then event name and select the event & sales date ranges to see a breakdown by tier of tickets ordered, printed, and redeemed. 

Event Audit Lite: Choose the organization folder and event name. Select the event & sales date ranges to see a summary of sales by tier, buyer type, and payment method. 

Event Audit Settlement: Choose the organization folder and event name. Select the event and sales date ranges to show sales by tier, payment method, and ticket price & type. 

Event Daily Attendance By Screen: Choose event date range with the option to filter by venue to see a breakdown of attendance with gross revenue by event and event date.

Event Folder Manifest: Choose a "Folder" and the sales date range to see orders separated by order number.

Event Reconciliation: This report pulls detailed information for each showing date and time with ticket detail and gross revenue for each showing. 

Event Reconciliation Summary: Choose the organization folder and event name. Select the sale date ranges to show event sales by venue and ticket type in separate pages.

Event Guest List: Pulls a total list of customer purchase information for an event. Gives order detail for each order. 

Event Inventory Summary: Choose event date range to see all detail of sold, comp, held, ADA, percent available, etc. Gives you a quick view of inventory available for purchase, those sold, and what is still on hold. 

Event Manifest: Choose the organization folder and event name. Select the sales date ranges to show the customer order information for that event. This includes their order number, the number of tickets purchased, payment type, and any questions that might have been asked for that transaction. Also shows order notes if added. Formatted for PDF and is not sort-able. 

Event Manifest with Seat Detail: Choose the organization folder and event name. Select the sale date ranges to show event sales (in html or pdf) by customer with customer info, delivery method, and order info. Formatted for PDF and is not sort-able. 

Event Sales By User: Choose organization and event to see event sales separated by user or sold by ticket types.

Event Ticket Activity Extract: Choose organization and event to see event ticket detail by barcode.


AgileLINK Streaming: 

comScore Swift Extract: This report pulls all information that is sent to comScore Swift on a nightly basis.  Pulls detail by distributor, film, ticket types, ticket prices and gross revenue for that event. Formatted for Excel spreadsheet.  Used to confirm information that is pushed to Swift on a nightly basis and should be used in conjunction with Swift BOR. 

Consolidated Event Audit: Choose the "Folder" then event & sales date ranges. This report will pull a summary by Event name when the event may have multiple showing dates.

Inventory Group Manifest: Choose organization and event for listing of sales by inventory name or seat and order information.

Inventory Summary: Choose organization and event date range for a breakdown of available/ordered/disabled seats of inventory organized by tier and inventory name.

Period Detail By Film: Choose an event date range an optionally an Event Name or Folder name to get a list of the sales, ticket type details, quantity of sales, quantity of refunds, and gross totals.

Period Total By Film: Choose an event date range an optionally an Event name or Folder name to get a summary of sales, quantity, and gross totals.

Seat Status Extract: Choose an Event to get a full list of all seat details along with sales info for each seat.

Show/Showing Metadata Extract: Choose a "Folder" and Event date range to get a list of show details and showtimes. This report can be especially useful if you want a list of shows and their descriptions, durations, and other data that have been saved to them in Agile.

Top Ticket Buyers: Choose a "Folder", sale date range, minimum ticket quantity, and minimum dollar amount to see customers who have purchased above the specified parameters of tickets within the date range.

Voting Extract: Choose a voting date range to see events with details about ordered, redeemed, and votes for each title.



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