
Create Addit Links

1. Log into Administration. 

2. Under the Web folder, open the Entry Points icon.


3. From here, select the correct entry point group, right-click it, and select Properties.


4. In the Properties window select the Addit Link tab.

5. In the drop-down menu select one of the following:

  • Membership
  • Event
  • Donation
  • Gift Card Program
  • Catalog


6. Click on the magnifying glass and select the Membership or Pass Program that you wish to create an Addit Link for.

7. Below, in the Selection to Add drop-down, select the Membership or Pass Level you wish to use the Addit Link for.

8. Adjust the Quantity you wish to be added when a customer clicks the Addit Link.

9. If you are using a Promo Code or wish to define a variable price for a variable priced item you can do so.
-To add a Promo code you can do so by adding the specific promo code that should be used in the Promo box.
-If you wish to define a variable price, put "true" in the Variable Price field and then define the price in the adjustable Amount field below.

10. If you wish to set the item to be a Pledge and your system as well as the item is set up for Pledging you can check the Pledge box.

11. Once you have finished the applicable above steps you can click the "Copy Link to Clipboard" button and your Addit Link will be copied.

6. Click on the magnifying glass and select the Event or Specific Showing that you wish to create an Addit Link for.

7. Below, in the Selection to Add drop-down, select the Ticket Type and Tier you wish for the customer to purchase through the Addit Link.

8. Adjust the Quantity you wish to be added when a customer clicks the Addit Link.

9. If you are using a Promo Code or wish to define a variable price for a variable priced item you can do so.
-To add a Promo code you can do so by adding the specific promo code that should be used in the Promo box.
-If you wish to define a variable price, put "true" in the Variable Price field and then define the price in the adjustable Amount field below.

10. If you wish to set the item to be a Pledge and your system as well as the item is set up for Pledging you can check the Pledge box.

11. Once you have finished the applicable above steps you can click the "Copy Link to Clipboard" button and your Addit Link will be copied.

6. Click on the magnifying glass and select the Donation Program that you wish to create an Addit Link for.

7. In the Amount field define the monetary amount you wish to be processed as a Donation through this Addit Link.

8. If you wish to set the item to be a Pledge and your system as well as the item is set up for Pledging you can check the Pledge box.

9. Once you have finished the applicable above steps you can click the "Copy Link to Clipboard" button and your Addit Link will be copied

6. Click on the magnifying glass and select the Gift Card Program that you wish to create an Addit Link for.

7. Adjust the Quantity you wish to be added when a customer clicks the Addit Link.

8. In the Amount field define the monetary amount you wish to be processed as a Donation through this Addit Link.

9. Once you have finished the applicable above steps you can click the "Copy Link to Clipboard" button and your Addit Link will be copied

6. Click on the magnifying glass and select the Catalog Item that you wish to create an Addit Link for.

7. Below, in the Selection to Add drop-down, select the SKU and Price you wish to use the Addit Link for.

8. Adjust the Quantity you wish to be added when a customer clicks the Addit Link.

9. If you are using a Promo Code or wish to define a variable price for a variable priced item you can do so.
-To add a Promo code you can do so by adding the specific promo code that should be used in the Promo box.
-If you wish to define a variable price, put "true" in the Variable Price field and then define the price in the adjustable Amount field below.

10. If you wish to set the item to be a Pledge and your system as well as the item is set up for Pledging you can check the Pledge box.

11. Once you have finished the applicable above steps you can click the "Copy Link to Clipboard" button and your Addit Link will be copied.

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    Mary Jane Charriere

    Notes for special characters in level names;
    %20 = space
    %2D = -
    %28 = (
    %29 = )
    %2B = +