Despite their name, Ticket Formats are used to lay out a variety of digital and printed items, from member cards to passes, merchandise labels, voucher coupons, and more. When you create a Ticket Format, you can define text, upload images, or populate information already plugged into Agile directly onto a patron's page or screen.
Pro Tip: Always test print any format any thirty days before you want to launch the new format. That way, if there are any issues with the physical copy or if you would like to make any adjustments, you have time to make these changes, test print again, and submit the finalized version of the ticket to an internal review process at your organization.
Follow the steps below to learn how to create a brand new Ticket Format:
1. Log in to Administration.
2. Click the Plus (+) icon next to the Settings folder and click the Ticket Formats icon.
3. Right-click in the Ticket Format area and select New.
4. In the Ticket Format: New window:
A) Name: Give the ticket format a specific title that will stand out from your other formats. This will set you up for success when you create new your Event Prices. If you use any Reserved Seating in Agile, adding "GA" or "Reserved" to the name can help you quickly understand if the ticket will provide seating information. If you use unique branding for different kinds of events (e.g. daily admission vs film festival tickets, Adult tickets vs Child tickets, etc.) adding the category of ticket will help you tell them apart when you are setting up new prices.
B) Format Type: Select the appropriate category from the drop-down menu. This setting determines the kinds of items that can use the ticket format. Different kinds of items (events, memberships, etc.) cannot share format types. If you ever wanted to set up the same ticket for event tickets and catalog items, then you would need to set up one Ticket Format with the "Event" Format Type and another Ticket Format with the "Catalog" Format Type.
C) Form Type: Select the appropriate item from the drop-down. In most cases, either Tickets, Receipts, or Card will be selected. If you ever plan to print out these tickets, take care to make sure that the Form Type setting here matches the Form Type setting on the printer you will be using to print them out. If the Form Type of the ticket format and the Form Type of the printer do not match, you will see an error during POS checkout.
D) Available To: Define which Organization can use this ticket format.
5. Click Apply, then OK.
6. Right-click in the Printer Definition field and select New. The Printer Definition determines what mechanism will generate the Ticket Format when an item is sold, whether that is a specific kind of printer or an electronic PDF. Choose the correct Printer Format Type from the drop-down.
If you plan to print the same format on multiple types of printers, you can create multiple Printer Definitions. For any new format for admission tickets, it is recommended that you set up a Boca Windows Compatible, E-Delivery Mobile, E-Delivery PDF, and Star Receipt Printer format. If you are not sure which Printer Definition will work best, review the list below:
- Boca FGL Compatible 200 DPI Format: This Printer Type can be used for any thermal printer whose FGL is set for 200 DPI (Dots Per Inch). Compatible printers are Boca and Datamax.
- Boca FGL Compatible 300 DPI Format: This Printer Type can be used for any thermal printer whose FGL is set for 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch). Compatible printers are Boca and Datamax.
- Box Office Receipt Printer Format: This Printer Type is used with a thermal receipt printer such as Star Micronics to create an event ticket format.
- Concession Receipt Printer Format: This Printer Type is used with a thermal receipt printer such as Star Micronics to create a catalog format that can be printed once an item has been purchase is completed.
- Datacard Printer Format: This Printer Type is used for printing PVC Member Cards.
- DYMO LabelWriter Format: This Printer Type is used to print peel-and-stick labels. This includes labels containing QR codes and variable customer data (name, expiration date, etc.) for passes or membership cards that have been pre-printed outside of Agile. This also includes concessions or merchandise labels containing QR Codes and SKU information that can be scanned to make ringing up items easier.
- Star Receipt Printer: This Printer Type is used with a thermal receipt printer such as Star Micronics to print tickets, order receipts, and credit card receipts.
- Boca Windows Compatible Format: This Printer Type can be used for any thermal printer that is Windows Compatible, such as Stimare, Boca, or Boca Lemur S printer. This format is most commonly used for traditional, durable 'concert style' ticket stock.
- E-Delivery Mobile Format: This Printer Type can be used as a mobile phone option for tickets, member cards, or gift certificates. Tickets will send a QR Code to customers' mobile device and can be scanned directly from the phone.
- E-Delivery PDF Format: This Printer Type is used for print at home tickets.
- Laser/Inkjet Printer Format: This Printer Type can be used for printing passes, paper certificates or PDF type tickets.
7. After selecting the correct Printer Type, the Ticket Format: Properties window will automatically pop up.
A) Layout Tab: This tab is where you can add and edit elements like images, QR codes, text, and links.
B) Properties: This tab is where you can define the physical layout of the ticket (i.e. width, height, etc.).
C) Print String: This tab is where the coding that is sent to the printer lives. Do NOT adjust this information as it will change your ticket format.
Pro Tip: If you ever want to set up a new version of a Ticket Format that is almost identical to one that already exists, you can copy the full code in the existing Ticket Format's Print String tab and paste it into the new Ticket Format's Print String tab to recreate that existing ticket. However, you must always be careful while working in the Print String tab. Even minor changes such as a missing bracket can result in unusable Ticket Formats. Make sure you do not alter any code in the original ticket's Print String tab, and take care not to miss any code when you copy it into the new Ticket Format.
8. Under the Properties tab, enter in information if the default sizes do not match your paper or stock. Each type of format will require slightly different information. The most important items are Width and Height, or the Margins. If you plan to use a Layout Background image, you can upload it to your new format on the Properties tab.
9. On the Layout tab, right-click the top white box to add an element. See the list below for details on the different types of elements. Once an element is added, it may be adjusted. (Note: depending the printer format, not all options below will be available.)
- Position: When you add an element, you can either click it and drag it around the new format, or you can enter X and Y position numbers. If you need to adjust or move an element, we recommend that you use the arrows next to the Position fields to move elements. This helps reduce accidental changes to your format.
- Rotation: Can be rotated in 90 degree increments.
- Font Type: Select the font from the drop-down list.
- Size: Select the size of the font.
- Color: Select the color of the element.
- Style: Select "Bold", "Italic", "Underline" if wanted for the text.
- Justification: Choose how the element aligns within the element box.
- Width Scale: Changes the width of the element box.
- Height Scale: Changes the height of the element box.
- Text Inversion: Inverts the colors of the element box.
- Max Length: Creates a maximum on the length the element box may be.
- Auto Resize: The system will automatically change the text to fit the box. This is especially useful for text elements that push past fifty characters, like lengthy film names. Turning on this setting can reduce the amount of adjustments you need to make to address overlapping elements.
- Length: Set a limit on the length of text allowed in the box. If you observe an issue where elements like long film titles are getting cut off prematurely on the format, you can increase this property to allow more characters to populate on the format.
- Box Width: Set a limit on the length of the box.
10. Add the different elements wanted on the ticket format. It is recommended that you save often. Click Apply in the bottom right corner to save your changes.
The relative position of elements on the Type, Value, X Position, and Y Position table is significant. If two elements overlap, then the element listed farther down the table will appear on top of the other element. Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to move an element on the table.
Some of the element Types listed below will pull information from different fields in the Events that you have built, but they will do this if and only if these fields are filled out on the Event. Elements such as Verbiage 1-4 or Ticket Image will appear blank if these event properties are empty.
- Aisle: (Reserved Seating Only) Tells the Customer which aisle/door to enter.
- Area: (Reserved Seating Only) This allows you to add the Area (i.e. Main Floor, Balcony, etc.) for your event.
- Barcode Number: The barcode number will appear on the format
- Base Sum: This will show the base price of the item not including any fees.
- Billing Address City: This will list the city given for the customer's Billing Address.
- Billing Address State: This will list the state given for the customer's Billing Address.
- Billing Address Street 1: This will list the first line for the street address given for the customer's Billing Address.
- Billing Address Street 2: This will list the second line for the street address given for the customer's Billing Address.
- Billing Address ZIP Code: This will show the customer's Billing Address ZIP code.
- Client ID: This will show the Corporate Organization's Short Name.
- Company Name: This will show the Company Name for Business Records/Company Contacts.
- Event Code: This will list the event code.
- Event Time: This will list the event time on the ticket. The event's End Date may or may not appear, depending on if Show End Date is checked for that event.
- Expiration Date: This will show the Expiration date of the Pass or Membership in a MM/DD/YYYY format. Many organizations choose to leave this property off of member cards to allow members to use the same card year-to-year.
- Expiration Month: This will only show the expiration month of the pass or ticket.
- Expiration Year: This will display only the year the pass or ticket expires.
- External Name: This is the public-facing name of the event.
- Internal Name: This is the name of the event that is shown within the system.
- Item Image: This displays the file name of an item's Image property. Some organizations add this element to give a title to the main image of an event or item on a Print-at-Home ticket.
- Joined Date: This will show the date that the customer or member joined.
- Member Number: The customer's Member Number will appear on the ticket. This is a required element for a member card, because this number enables front-line staff to look up members and redeem their benefits.
- Order Customer First Name: First name of the person who placed the order.
- Order Customer Last Name: Last name of the person who placed the order.
- Order Customer Name: Prefix, First Name, and Last Name of the person who placed the order.
- Order Number: This will put the order number on the ticket. This element is recommended for tickets and passes to aid order maintenance.
- Overhead Image: Populates the image saved to an Event or Showing. This element is usually used to add a seating chart image to the ticket.
- Package Name: The name of the customer assigned to a Package.
- Package Type Name: Name of the Package.
- Pass Holder Address City: This will show the Pass Holder / Member's City.
- Pass Holder Address State: This will show the Pass Holder / Member's State.
- Pass Holder Address Street 1: This will list the first line of the Pass Holder / Member's Address.
- Pass Holder Address Street 2: This will list the second line of the Pass Holder / Member's address (i.e. Apartment number).
- Pass Holder Address Zip Code: This will list the Pass Holder / Member's ZIP Code.
- Pass Holder First Name: This will show the Pass Holder / Member's first name.
- Pass Holder Last Name: This will give the Pass Holder / Member's Last Name.
- Pass Holder List of Names: This will show all the names tied to the Pass / Membership.
- Pass Holder Name: This will give the name of the person who purchased the Pass.
- Price 1 - 5: The dollar amounts for each of the five possible price categories.
- Price Cat 1 - 5: The name of each of the five possible price categories (e.g., Price, Fee, Preservation Fee, HST, etc.)
- Product Group Name: The name of the group of products (i.e. Merchandise, Concessions, Apparel)
- Promo Code: If patron used a promotion code to book this item, the exact code they used will appear on the ticket.
- Question Index 1 - 10: This will display the answers to any customer or order questions (i.e. Job Title, Name of Film, Type of Dinner). (Note: If there are multiple tickets/cards/passes associated with an order, the answer to the question will appear on all tickets/cards/passes.)
- Row: This shows the reserved seating Row that the customer purchased. This is strongly recommended for Reserved Seating events.
- Sales Line Type: Identifies the Sales Line Type to which this ticket belongs (e.g. "Event Admission").
- Sales Channel-Buyer Type: Shows how the ticket was purchased (i.e. phone, web, box office).
- Seat: Shows the seat number for the reserved seat that the customer purchased. This element is strongly recommended for Reserved Seating Ticket Formats.
- Section: Shows the reserved section that the customer purchased (Section 1, Center Section, etc.)
- Service Fee Sum: Total sum of service fee amounts.
- Service Price 1 - 5: The dollar amounts for each of five possible service fee price categories.
- Service Price Cat 1 - 5: The names of the five possible categories that service fees can be broken into.
- Shipping Address City: the city that the tickets will be shipped to.
- Shipping Address State: The state that the tickets will be shipped to.
- Shipping Address Street 1: The first line of the Shipping address the tickets will be delivered to.
- Shipping Address Street 2: This will show the second line of the Shipping address (i.e. apartment number)
- Shipping Address ZIP code: This will display the ZIP code for the shipping address.
- Sold For First Name: This is if someone purchased a ticket for someone else as a gift.
- Sold For Last Name: This is the last name of the recipient if someone purchased a ticket for someone else as a gift.
- Sold For Name: Full name of person who is attending the event. This will show the name assigned to this ticket.
- Tax Sum: Shows the tax rate charged.
- Ticket Fee Sum: Shows the total sum of any fees.
- Ticket Image: Allows for specific images to appear on the Print at Home.
- Ticket/Price Type: Shows the type of ticket purchased (i.e. Adult, Child, etc.).
- Tier/SKU/Level: Shows an event tier, a catalog SKU, or a membership/pass level.
- Venue External Name: Shows the public-facing name of the venue.
- Venue Internal Name: Shows the name of the venue that appears in Box Office.
- Venue Short Name: Shows the Short Name assigned to the Venue.
- Verbiage 1-5: Allows you to place custom verbiage about an event on the ticket.