
Terms and Definition

Account Balance  A prepaid amount that is associated with a customer’s account but not applied to an actual order.

Administration – The area where a system administrator or senior managers create events, catalog items, and merchandise templates. 

Buyer Type A system policy group that defines the policies associated with a subset of customers and their relationship and how they interact with the organization. Some common buyer types are Web/Retail, Web/Members, Web/Group (Direct), AMS/Box Office, AMS/Advanced, AMS/Group (Agent). As many types as necessary can be defined to meet the operational needs of the organization. However, the best practice recommendation is to setup only the minimum number of buyer types necessary. Every order booked in the system is associated with a buyer type, which defines the rules and policies in effect for that particular customer for that particular interaction. A buyer type must be selected by an agent in AMS (Agent Manages Sales System) before an order can be started. Web buyer types are defined by the link used to start an online sale.

Cash In/Out User Batches  A means that tracks the starting and ending of shift for the purpose of tracking individual users sales to balance at the end of the day/ shift. 

  • Categories Tabs – This is a list of the different items types that you will sell in the system.

Corporate Organization – The administrative area denoted with a House Icon that contains tools for setting up an Organization's Events and Inventory.

Customer Benefits – Event or Catalog item that is attached to a customer’s record and allows them to redeem the benefit using their username or email address.

Customer Number  The unique number that is given to all customers that have purchased any item on the system.

Customer Relations Management (CRM) Can generate custom marketing emails based on set queries that are pulled from a database.

Deferred Balance  Balance due on an existing order.

Delivery Fees – Fee charged for Mail, Will Call services.

Domain  The unique name that is assigned to every Agile client. It contains three administration tools: Sales, Administration, and Gate Control.

Facility Fees – Generally used by historic facilities as a means to collect additional income to help with the preservation of their venue.

Fulfillment Type

  • Regular  Item purchases that are dealt with more frequently such as will call, tickets to be mailed out, or merchandise items.  
  • Package  This deals with subscription packages.

  • Membership  The fulfillment of membership cards and a welcome letter to accompany them.

  • Gift card  The fulfillment of cards with a predetermined monetary value.

GA Seat Templates  Where a price structure may be created for a venue that is first-come, first served seating.

Gate Control An area where the scanning of inventory to validate membership cards or tickets may be created and tracked.

Gate Control Batch Type:

  • Live Validation – This is where scanners are uploading the scanned information into the system and simultaneously checking it against the sold ticket information on Agile.
  • On Device Validation This is where the sold ticket information is uploaded to the scanner and is then compared within the device and saved to the scanner.
  • On Device Record  No record of tickets sold is saved to the scanner so scanned information is collected and saved to the device in order to be uploaded and compared at a later date.

Item summary  List of all items that a customer wishes to purchase which is displayed before finalizing an order.

Member Benefits – An Event or Catalog item that a member can redeem using their Member Card or Number.

Member Card Format – Template for the design of a membership card that will pull information about the membership type.

Member Number  The unique number that is given only to membership holders.

Merchant Services Merchant Services, or better known as credit card processing, is the handling of electronic payment transactions for a client’s organization.

  • Merchant Services Providers
    • List of providers with contact information
      • Transactions
      • Settlement of CC Batch
      • Categorization Factors

Order Fee – Fee that is added to the grand total of an order.

Pass Format – Template design of what the festival pass will look like based on information pulled from the data base.

Point of Sale (POS) – The screen set up in Agile Sales that allows quick sales with a touch of a button.

Point of Sale Equipment – Computers terminals used at the box office that has touch screen capabilities and interfaces with our POS quick sales.

Price Name  Is associated with a certain price and can assign that price to a specific Venue /Event template and revenue account.

Regional Organization – A client or organization that manages more than one corporate organization.

Reserved Seat Templates  Allows administration to create seating charts that can be copied down from an Event and/or a Show.

Revenue Accounts –  A list of names or accounting codes that show the inflow of money from sales generated through the organization's domain. These accounts allow the user to pull different income reports based on the items sold.

Sales – The area where box office or concessions staff can sell items.

Sales Channels:

  • Web – The Buyer Type created for ticket sales on the internet.
  • AMS (Agent Managed Sales) – The buyer type that is created for sales in the box office.

Sales Lines  Areas of the system that provide different mechanism for managing the items that can be sold. Each Sales Line has a unique set of capabilities and properties that can be used as needed to sell various items in the Agile Software. The name of a particular Sales Line is an internal designator and does not always dictate what items a particular sales line can manage. The available sales lines are:

  • Event – Limited inventory items that are only valid at a specific date and time. Some examples include: Standard ticket, Registrations, camps, and classes.
  • Catalog – Items that are not only valid for a specific date and time and can be inventory limited or unlimited. Some examples include: Concession management, merchandise sales, memberships without benefit processing, and any Non-Admission item  
  • Membership – Items that are not inventory-limited but define a relationship period between the customer and the Organization with defined benefits that grant access to other items being sold in the system. This relationship has defined benefits that grant access to other items being sold in teh system, such as discounts and complimentary items. Some examples include: Memberships with benefit processing, Festival Passes, and Flex Season.
  • Donation A variable dollar entry mechanism for collecting and categorizing monies.
  • Package / Season – A mechanism that associates groups of items from other sales lines into a predefined group. Some examples include: season series, mini season plans, and marketing packages.
  • Gift Card – A mechanism to collect variable monies with the ability to apply those monies to future item purchases from other Sales Lines.

Sales Line Type Defines the actual items being sold under a Sales Line, regardless of the Sales Line being used to process the sale. For example the Membership Sales Line mechanism can be used to sell both traditional memberships and festival passes. To differentiate between the two, separate Sales Line types must be established under the Membership Sales Line Type.  Some examples of Sales Line types are: Event Admission, Merchandise, Memberships, Gift Cards, and more.

Sales Organization – The blue set of administrative folders that will allow you to organize any items that are built in Agile.

Show  The basic information about a movie or event.

Showing A specific date and time when a Show or event will take place. A Showing associates a Show with a Template from which the Show may receive Tier / Inventory and Event Prices for that Showing. 

Sliding Membership A membership that expires a specific period of months from the date of purchase. 

Static Membership A membership that will expire on the same date for all customers regardless of each customer’s date of purchase.

System Administrator  The person with unrestricted permissions and access to everything within an Agile Ticketing Software domain.

Template  A Template holds Tier/Inventory and Event Price information about different ticket types and prices. It connects this information to specific showings/screens/events of a given venue. Storing this information in Template enables users to send available ticket quantities and prices for multiple showings, events, and venues to the Show/Event folder. For events/shows that occur multiple times, like a weekly or matinee discount, Template is a useful, time-saving tool. A ‘special’ event that occurs only once does not require a template, in best practice.

Terminal ID Fee that is added to an existing ticket price in order to create the total price of that ticket. 

Ticket Fees /Service Fee  Fee that is added on top of the existing price of the ticket.

Ticket FormatTemplate design of what the ticket will look like based on information pulled from the database when using a thermal ticket printer.

Ticket Types The type of ticket a customer or staff member will see when purchasing a ticket. This will appear on the hard ticket or print at home ticket when a ticket has been printed. This will also appear on event audit reports.

Tier/ Inventory Creates the various pricing levels (such as General Admission) or physical levels (such as Balcony) within a Template and defines each level’s capacity. 

Web Entry point  A URL generated out of the Agile software to be used on an organization’s website

Will CallA method of delivery where the customer picks up items (such as tickets purchased in advance via phone or the Internet) at the box office.

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