Release Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2013.
A summary of all the changes included in this update are shown below.
- Added the order number to order confirmation and print-at-home email subject lines.
- Added the ability to set the Event Type, Project Code, and Included Shorts at the Showing level.
- Added the ability to upload a whole folder full of images at one time in the Show Import area.
- Feature enhancements in POS mode.
- Event name required support
- Manual seating
- Account balance display
- Day of week option for event buttons
- Unified customer and member search screen
- Added the ability to set custom comp policy logic via a regular expression.
- Added a new option to add gate control batches for all selected events in one process.
- Added a new option to copy, edit, and delete gate control batch membership settings across multiple gate control batches.
- Added an external link type to entry points.
- Added a new option for editing multiple Shows, Showings, and Shorts in one process. Selecting multiple items in the list and choosing the Properties enables the multi-edit feature.
Maintenance Items:
- Fixed a system exception that occurred when renewing a membership.
- Fixed a sorting issue on the Next Showing Date column of the Shows list.
- Fixed a display issue on the mobile web sales calendar.
- Fixed a display issue with formatted City, State Zip lines in web sales.
- Changed the Zip/Postal code format to accept valid codes that it was blocking.
- The end date for an event was not being displayed correctly on the web sales purchase page.
- Correctly caught that a user is not cashed in when displaying/sending print-at-home tickets.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements.