1. Go to portal.agiletix.com
2. Enter the Username, Password, and Domain.
3. Click the Customers Icon on the menu on the left side of the screen.
4. Enter the name of the Customer or a Keyword such as an address, phone number, or email address. Click the Search button.
5. Select the Edit button to open the customer's record.
6. Once in the customer record, scroll down to the Memberships tab.
7. If the customer already has a membership purchased, you may edit that membership by clicking on the Edit button beside the Membership button.
Adding a New Membership
8. To add a membership, click the Add New Membership button.
9. On the Membership Add window, select your organization from the drop-down menu.
10. Select the Membership Program, the Buyer Type, and the Membership Price.
11. Once you have all this information filled out, click the Proceed button.
12. On the General tab, you are able to Assign a Membership Number or check the box next to Auto Assign so that the system will auto-generate a membership number.
13. Set the Join Date, which indicates the day the membership becomes active and the Expiration Date, which is the date that the membership expires.
14. Click the Customers Tab.
15. On the Customer Tab, you are able to add more members to a membership. In the search field, type in the name of the customer and click the Add Selected button (Please note this function will only work if you are inputting information for a Multi-Member Membership).
16. Click the Notes tab to enter any notes about this member.
17. Click the Save button to complete and save this membership information.
18. You will now see the new membership in the Membership tab in the customer record.
Editing A Membership
19. If you already have a membership in a customer's record, but it needs to be edited, follow steps 1-7 above to get to the individual in question's Customer page. Then, select the Edit button.
20. From here, you are able to edit all the tabs described above.
21. With existing memberships, you will notice you have the ability to edit Benefit Groups.
22. Click the Benefit Groups tab. From here, you can add new benefits or edit existing benefits to the membership. To add a new Benefit, type in the name of the benefit group. Select the correct group from the generated options, and then click the Add Selected button.
23. You should now see the benefit group listed. Click the boxes below the benefit group to adjust the Start Date and End Date that this benefit will be available.
24. If you want to delete a benefit, click the red delete icon next to the Start and End Dates.
25. Once you have made your edits, click the Save button.
26. You should now be able to see your edited membership.