There is an established hardware issue with NEW Partner Tech SP850's where, when someone tries to connect the cash drawer to any of the COM ports, it will not kick (It has been noted to possibly respond on COM 4 but this is inconsistent). The issue lies in how the terminal is handling the COM bus.
1. First, you will need to open the device manager.
2. Next, you will need to go to the COM & LPT Ports drop-down menu.
3. When the menu drops down, your COM ports should be in sequential order. (i.e. COM1, COM2,COM3, etc). If they are not, please move on to step 4. If they are in sequential order and you are still encountering issues, please contact your Agile Ticketing Solutions Support Representative.
4. In order to fix the issue, you will have to right-click and uninstall any COM ports listed as COM1, COM2, or COM3. Some of these may be listed twice.
5. After you have uninstalled your COM ports, restart your system.
6. After the system boots back up, reopen Device Manager, and ensure that the COM ports are correctly numbered in sequence and that there are no error signs beside them in the window.
7. If there are no issues, open Agile and test the Cash Drawer. At this time, it should open as expected.
Currently, there is no explanation on why or how this error has occurred. If you have followed these steps and the issue is still not resolved, please send us a support message at so we can look into your specific situation further.