
Building an Event in Web Portal

Event Build is now available on our Web Portal. Clients who have events with only one showing, such as a galas, all-in-one-price fairs, or musical events, can easily build their events using the following steps:

1. Log into Web Portal at



2. Select either the Events tab on the left side of the screen or the Add or Edit Events button at the top of the homepage.


3. Click the red +Add Event button at the top of the Events page. 


4. Select the Folder in which you wish to build the New Event, and then click Continue.


5. On the Event Add page, you may define the event's Properties, add images and trailers under the Media tab, add ticket verbiage and a full description under the Additional Information tab, and more.


6. Once you have created the Event, you must create customized pricing or copy pricing and inventory from a template to make a Showing. If you have made this kind of event in the past, skip to b.

a. Create Custom Pricing & Inventory Tiers

Name the tier with the first drop-down, enter its maximum number of available tickets in the drop-down, and click Add Inventory & Pricing Tier to define price levels for this event.



b. Copy Pricing & Inventory from a Template

On the All Dates page, select the Add Showing button. This will open the New Showing window.



7. Select the Show and the proper Template from their respective drop-down menus. Set a date and time for the showing and then click Continue.


8. On the Showing Edit page, you are able to make further edits to this particular showing of the event.

  • Properties: Change the date and time, duration, venue/location, and delivery methods for the showing's tickets.


  • Pricing & Inventory: Edit the ticket prices and inventory tiers for the showing.


  • Additional Information: Use this section to define event description, ticket verbiage, and confirmation text. You are also able to edit button text that will be visible on your ticket purchasing page.


  • Sales Channel Availability: Set the time and date when tickets go on-sale for the showing. To set different on-sale dates for different Sales Channels, select Advanced mode.



To set the same on-sale date for all Sales Channels, select Simple mode.




9. When you are done, be sure to select the Save Changes button.



If you only need to make on showing for the event, you may stop here. If you need to create multiple showings, however, please take these additional steps:

10. On the Showings page, select the Copy button next to the showing you created in Steps 7-9.




11. In the New Showing window, select a new time for the new showing. Then, click Continue.


12. If there are any additional changes you must make to the new showing, proceed with Steps 8 and 9 on the Showing Edit page.

Repeat Steps 10-12 as necessary until you have reached the desired number of showings for the event.


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